
Getting Started with 3DEC
11.03.2025 - 12.03.2025

Objectives of the training:

  • Understand the 3DEC numerical approach and the types of problems it can solve
  • Know how to manipulate the 3DEC user interface to access and interpret results
  • Follow the recommended solution procedure to simulate a simple case

Python in Itasca Software
26.03.2025 - 27.03.2025

This course provides an overview of the Python programming language in Itasca software.

The course covers major applications of Python to extend modeling capabilities with the Itasca codes through many applied examples.

Software Tutorials

Working with Email in Itasca Software

Learn how you can use commands and functions to send email messages and attachments via Itasca software. Use this capability to inform you when a model has finished running, a result is available (even attach a plot), or the model run is interrupted.

FLAC3D 6.0 PFC Plugin Conveyor
FLAC3D 6.0 PFC Plugin Punch

Technische Unterlagen

GPR-inferred fracture aperture widening in response to a high-pressure tracer injection test at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden

We assess the performance of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method in fractured rock formations of very low transmissivity (e.g. T ≈ 10−9–10−10 m2/s for sub-mm apertures) and, more specifically, to image fracture widening induced by high-pressure injections. A field-scale experiment was conducted at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (Sweden) in a tunnel situated at 410 m depth. The tracer test was performed within the most transmissive sections of two boreholes separated by 4.2 m. The electrically resistive tracer solution composed of deionized water and Uranine was expected to lead to decreasing GPR reflections with respect to the saline in situ formation water.

Advanced three-dimensional geomechanical and hydrogeological modelling for a deep open pit
Numerical Models as Important Component of EGS Design and Operation

Calibration of geomechanics models using microseismic data is key to creating reliable predictive tools. This presentation reviews the geomechanical model used for: stress characterization, microseismic modeling to assess the risk associated with faults activation and induced seismicity, and evaluation of designs and operational strategies. Both hydraulic fracturing and hydro-shearing of discrete fracture network were important components of stimulation of EGS and zonal isolation can play a key role in effective stimulation of an EGS along the entire length of the horizontal well.

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Kommende Veranstaltungen
11 Mär
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectives of the training: Understand the 3DEC numerical approach and the types of problems it can solveKnow how to manipulate the 3DE... Weiterlesen
26 Mär
Python in Itasca Software
This course provides an overview of the Python programming language in Itasca software.The course covers major applications of Python t... Weiterlesen