GExtract, previously “G_NMExtract”, allows extracting parts of surface meshes based on user-specified criteria. Surface meshes in actual engineering projects, in particular geological structures, can be very complex and there is often a need to extract (or separate) parts of the meshes, either to remove them or to assign specific properties in preparation for volume meshing. GExtract has five different modes of operation to assist with this.
- Single surface option extracts a surface using selected mesh face, specified break-angle, and non-manifold edge break flag.
- All surfaces option extracts all possible manifold sub-meshes from selected surface meshes based on a break-angle.
- Boundary faces extracts only those faces that are attached to naked edges (e.g, mesh boundaries).
- Non-manifold faces extracts only those faces that are attached to non-manifold edges if any are present in the mesh.
- Surfaces within solids extracts pieces of meshes that are located within a specified close volume solid (e.g., a box, cylinder, etc.) After the operation completes, extracted mesh pieces are selected so it is easier for the user to do other operations with them (e.g., hide, delete, move, remesh, etc.)

New in GExtract
- Extract multiple meshes at once based on angle and non-manifold intersections (“Mesh Explode”).
- Extract all boundary faces.
- Extract all non-manifold faces (i.e., faces along non-manifold intersections).
- Extract sub-meshes within a user defined solid.