MINEDW Tutorial (Part 4: Meshing)

In this tutorial we will go over meshing, from the creation of a 2D mesh and how to import it to MINEDW, to the inclusion of topography, layers, and pinch-outs to different areas of interest in the model.

MINEDW Tutorial (Part 1: Menu Options)

In this tutorial we will briefly cover the MINEDW user interface, its components, and the MINEDW Menu with the different options and tools it provides to build numerical models.

Plotting Borehole Core Data using Geometry and FISH

In this example, you will see how to create your own custom plot of drill core data containing location, orientation, depth, and geotechnical data (lithography. fracture count, rock strength, weathering, and RMR).

Deep Sublevel Cave Mining and Surface Influence

With increasing depth, higher stress and more difficult mining. With increasing depth is there more ground surface effects or less?

Analysis of Large-ScalePit Slope Stability —The Aitik Mine Revisited
On the Density Variability of Poissonian Discrete Fracture Networks, with application to power-law fracture size distributions

This paper presents analytical solutions to estimate at any scale the fracture density variability associated to stochastic Discrete Fracture Networks. These analytical solutions are based upon the assumption that each fracture in the network is an independent event. Analytical solutions are developed for any kind of fracture density indicators.

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