Objectives of the training:
•Understand the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D numerical approach and the types ofproblems it can solve•Know how to manipulate the FLAC2D/ FLAC3D user interface to access andinterpret results•Follow the recommended solution procedure to simulate a simple case
COMBA is a constitutive model developed by ITASCA to model rock masses with multiple joint sets at the large scale, without having to explicitly add fine jointing. It is a hardening/softening Mohr-Coulomb model with up to four hardening/softening ubiquitous joint orientations for use in FLAC3D and 3DEC.
This webinar unveils the latest innovations in ITASCA Software v9.3.
Join us for a demonstration of using IMAT to easily and quickly build an octree model of an underground mine with backfilled stopes. No commands or scripting needed!
This webinar unveils the latest innovations in ITASCA Software v9.2.
MassFlow is software for simulating material gravity flow to draw points for mine scale numerical modeling. Please join us for an overview of the features and functionalities available in MassFlow.
This webinar provides an overview of the features and functionalities available in IMAT (ITASCA's Mining Analysis Toolbox). IMAT is a pre- and post-processor for mine-scale numerical modeling.
This webinar unveils the latest innovations in ITASCA Software v9.1, including an extensive review of our powerful fluid flow logic in FLAC3D and FLAC2D.
Please join our WEBINAR: What's New in FLAC2D v9? — Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
This is a one-hour webinar plus Q&A session overviewing the newest features and capabilities of FLAC3D v9. Presented by Zhao Cheng, (FLAC3D Product Manager) and Jim Hazzard (Software Manager) on Tuesday, May 9th at 10 am CDT.
The webinar presents the validation of the mixed continuum-discrete FEM-DEM approach. It is done by modeling, using FLAC3D and PFC3D ITASCA software, pseudo-static experiments carried out on scaled-down rockfill dams with dry-stone pitching.
A numerical model of a full-scale dam is then built using this validated approach. The construction phases and reservoir filling processes are modeled. Then, the dam seismic resistance is evaluated by performing pseudo-static tests provided by tilting the dam until failure.
The webinar will introduce a workflow to digitize and simplify ballast stones, grain shape quantification systems, different contact treatment and breakage models and their application in PFC3D to simulate large scale shear box tests.
This webinar outlines some of main applications of Python to extend modeling capabilities of the Itasca codes, such as, running parameters studies, advanced post-treatment and visualization, creating customized user interfaces etc.
This webinar is for people who have used PFC before and are interested in the latest developments.
In this 30-minute webinar, different numerical modeling methods used in rock engineering will be discussed. The talk will outline advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches, including continuum, discontinuum, and hybrid solutions. Examples showing the use of the different methods in real consulting projects will be presented.
This webinar is for people who are new or occasional FLAC3D users, or those interested in learning more about it.
The webinar presents new tools available in 3DEC 7.0 to simplify and speed-up model construction.This includes: building block models directly from arbitrary geometry data (imported from CAD), creating a grid that conforms to a topographic surface, an advanced meshing generator which provides greater control on the size of meshes at specific points and surfaces and allows mesh gradation within blocks, the capability to generate Voronoi blocks and many more features. The webinar will provide examples of applications and guidance on what meshing solution to choose depending on your problem.
Learn how 3D numerical simulations are useful to predict and investigate possible modes of fracture interference and clarify the underlying mechanisms.
This webinar by Dr. David Potyondy provides an overview of Bonded-Particle Modeling (BPM) and suggests avenues for further research. You need not be a rock-mechanics practitioner to understand this talk.
As part of the first ARMA Student Design Competition in 2021, this webinar will introduce the use of FLAC/Slope for slope stability analysis.
This webinar reviewed and demonstrated the Itasca Constitutive Model for Advanced Strain Softening (IMASS) which has been developed to represent the rock mass response to excavation induced stress changes.
Griddle 2.0 Has Been Released! Watch the recording of our webinar on "What's New in Griddle 2.0?"
Lahars represent natural phenomena that can generate severe damage in densely populated urban areas. The evaluation of pressures generated by these mass flows on constructions (buildings, infrastructure…) is crucial for civil protection and assessment of the structures’ vulnerability. The existing tools developed to model the spread of flows at large scale in densely populated urban areas remain inaccurate in the estimation of mechanical efforts.
This webinar is for people who have used 3DEC before and are interested in the latest developments.
This webinar will demonstrate setting-up a hydraulic fracturing model in jointed rock using XSite. An overview of XSite and a discussion of the simulation results will also be discussed.
This webinar is for people who are new or occasional 3DEC users, or those just interested in learning more about it.
This webinar provides a brief overview of PFC modeling using convex rigid blocks, including example applications ranging from rock-mass behavior to granular flow, and highlights important tip and tricks and modeling challenges.
This webinar will provide a brief overview of PFC modeling using convex rigid blocks, including example applications ranging from rock-mass behavior to granular flow, and highlight important tip and tricks and modeling challenges.
This webinar provides a brief overview of PFC modeling using convex rigid blocks, including example applications ranging from rock-mass behavior to granular flow, and highlight important tip and tricks and modeling challenges.
Learn about the major new features and improvements in FLAC3D version 7.0.
The webinar describes a promising approach which is able to represent the discrete nature of masonry by the Discrete Element Method (DEM).
Presented by Dr. Peter A. Cundall: Numerical modeling is widely used in Geomechanics for design and diagnostic purposes, but there is an art to using the software tools correctly. It's not just a case of plugging in the data, and hitting "run". We need to understand the underlying physics, and whether the model properly represents it.
The webinar shows how to generate a hybrid mesh of a tunnel system consisting of three tunnels intersecting each other by combining the use of BlockRanger and Griddle. The advantages of this type of mesh is discussed by illustrating a coupled hydro-mechanical simulation of the tunnel excavations.
Please join us for an overview of the features and capabilities now available in UDEC 7
Learn about modeling dam foundations using the discrete element method with UDEC and 3DEC software in the 26th ISRM Online Lecture.
This video is a recording of a one hour webinar reviewing the latest features in Version 5.2 of 3DEC. Presented by Dr. Jim Hazzard, 3DEC Product Manager and Lead Developer. A petroleum geomechanics case study using 3DEC modeling is also presented by Dr. Melanie Grob.
Itasca Denver and Itasca Chile are developing a series of tutorials on the main functions and capabilities of MINEDW 3D groundwater flow modeling software to be published periodically on Itasca Chile's YouTube channel.