WEBINAR: Learn about COMBA (Constitutive Model for Columnar Basalt)

WEBINAR: Learn about COMBA (Constitutive Model for Columnar Basalt)

COMBA is a constitutive model developed by ITASCA to model rock masses with multiple joint sets at the large scale, without having to explicitly add fine jointing. It is a hardening/softening Mohr-Coulomb model with up to four hardening/softening ubiquitous joint orientations for use in FLAC3D and 3DEC.

Introduced by Dr. Jim Hazzard (Software Manager, ITASCA Minneapolis) and presented by Dr. Christine Detournay (Principal Engineer, ITASCA Minneapolis), the webinar reviews the COMBA model, verification problems, and highlight civil and mining application cases (including the Baihetan hydropower station project in China, for which the COMBA model was originally implemented).

10 am CST (4 pm GMT, UTC-06:00)


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