Itasca currently provides licenses accessible by a local key (dongle) or network key. As computing services and data centers move into the cloud, it is becoming more and more common to operate software without actual physical access to the system running it. Itasca is developing a web-license(a) capability that will not require a physical key. Physical (local and network) keys will continue to be available.
In addition, web licenses will make hourly licensing practicable. In combination with easy access to cloud computing, this will be a powerful option for users who need to generate results faster or because they need to run a number of different scenarios as quickly as possible. Perpetual, lease, and monthly license terms will continue to be available.
To provide these options, Itasca must change when the license security is invoked. FLAC3D 7 will require a valid license to be present for any model modification command or FISH function execution. (The only exception is if the model is smaller than the allowable demonstration limits.) As such, it will no longer be possible to construct and test models incrementally without a valid license. Post-processing plotting and analysis of model results will continue to be available without a license.
(a)A web security option, with individually managed email and password access, is currently being implemented and tested. It is anticipated that this feature will be available by the official release of FLAC3D 7 later in 2019. Ask us for more information if you're interested in trying web-licensing.
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